
Uvic Orchestra

Since its inception in 1969, the UVic Orchestra has performed much of the standard repertoire, including all nine Beethoven symphonies, most of the later compositions of Haydn and Mozart, as well as major works of Brahms, Schubert, Stravinsky, Bruckner, Mahler, Schoenberg, and others. The UVic Orchestra also performs contemporary works, including new music by UVic Music alumni.

The UVic Orchestra's concert season includes 5 performances in the Farquhar at UVic, joined by the UVic Chorus for one of those concerts. Winning student soloists from the annual Concerto Competition perform with the UVic Orchestra each year, and UVic faculty and guests take the stage as soloists and ensemble members regularly.

The UVic Orchestra is currently conducted by Guiseppe Pietraroia.

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