Women in Focus Society
Archives accessible at the Crista Dahl Media Library and Archive, VIVO Media Arts Centre, Vancouver: Women in Focus Special Collection.
Information: http://vivomediaarts.com/about/video-library-and-archive. First organized as part of the Women's Office at the University of British Columbia, the Women in Focus Society was established as a non-profit society in 1974. The impetus for the organization grew out of what its founders perceived to be the definition of women and women's lives in the arts from a male perspective. Women in Focus worked to develop positive images of women and their life experiences through the promotion of female artists and producers by making their art more visible and easily accessible to the public. (Source: Memory BC)
The first press articles to be published on their exhibitions appeared in "Kinesis: The Feminist News" (v. 5, no. 60, 1976; v. 6, no. 12, 1977), a feminist news publication produced by the Vancouver Status of Women. This publication would later feature regular coverage of their activities, most notably in 1982. A review of their first film festival (September 22 - 24, 1978) also appeared in the pages of Vanguard magazine (v. 7, no. 8, p. 16, 1978), as produced by the VAG. These documents are available in hard copy format at the Crista Dahl Media Library and Archive, and Kinesis can be found online through the UBC Library Digital Collections.
Women In Focus Production and Distribution Centre, Catalogue 1977 (1977)
Women in Focus Society