Event Description
Girls Rock Camp Victoria and Talk's Cheap present an all ages fundraiser featuring:
OPEN RELATIONSHIP - http://openrelationship.bandcamp.com/
Live video recording of "Born Weird" http://vimeo.com/43650420
& LINE TRAPS - https://www.facebook.com/linetrapsvic
$5 at the door
Talk's Cheap Record Store
556-B Pandora Ave
Proceeds from the show will support GRCVI programming and bursaries for campers.
Girls Rock Camp Victoria
GRCVI is a non-profit society that provides self-identified girls and young women the opportunity for self-expression and fosters confidence through musical education and skill development.
www.girlsrockvictoria.ca | https://www.facebook.com/GirlsRockVictoria | https://twitter.com/GirlsRockVi...