Event Description
Social Distortion, Southern California's definitive blues-laced punk band, returns with Sex, Love and Rock 'n'
Roll, their first full length studio record since 1996 and first record since founding member Dennis Danell passed
away. Sex, Love and Rock 'n' Roll, is a potent journey of love and loss, an intimate portrait by writer and singer
Mike Ness into his past.
Like a survival manual from the trenches of punk, Sex, Love and Rock 'n' Rolltakes listeners on a hardcore ride,
venturing inside the hearts of saints and sinners, winners and losers, jailhouse poets and Cadillac tramps, all
brought to life with Social Distortion'strademark sound-a muscular blend of blistering guitars and Ness' rebel-
with-a-cause vocals. Equal parts poet and punk, Ness continues to cement his place ...