Boo Magazine (#1)

Publisher BOO Magazine
ArtistsCreede, Gerald; Watson, Scott; Normoyle, Michelle; Dittborn, Eugenio; Alexander, Vikky; Lochhead, Kenneth; Caldas, Waltercio.
AuthorBarnholden, Michael; Farrell, Dan; Ferguson, Deanna; McCrum, Phillip; Shier, Reid; Totino, Mina.
SummaryFirst issue of Boo Magazine featuring an essay by Reid Shier, an interview by Deanna Ferguson, and works by Gerald Creede and Michelle Normoyle. SPRING 1994. Art Magazines; Havoc; Sonnets; Vancouver Art Gallery; Virtuoso '94; Vancouver Food Bank; Corporate Involvement; Community Sensitivity; Gay Liberation Front; Poetry; Painting; Journalism
MediaCommunity-based practice, Creative Writing, Painting, Photography, Print Media
Data SourceMorris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery Archives
Notes@ Morris and Belkin: 15 copies of issue in Box 2, Folder 20.0.16 / 2-3