
Brave New Waves

Label: unsigned
since circa 2007
Born on the wicked and wild west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, on a sandy beach amongst breaking surf and torrential spring downpours, looking forward to the months of endless sunshine to come , five friends feeling very blessed to live in the tropics of Canada all with a passion for Reggae, Ska, and Surf music with its own unique Vancouver Island style and west coast sound created a band called Brave New Waves and began quickly growing in popularity in the beach and surf scene th... more...

Community Events


( October 2009 Independent )

Current Lineup

Graham Turner
Guitar / Vox
2007 - present
Adrien Dube
Guitar / Vox
2007 - present
Eli Konsorado
Sax / Keys
2007 - present
James Angel
2007 - present
Jay Bennet
2007 - present

Past Members

Cameron Duron "Cam Ron"
2007 - 2008