Lacey-Lou Tapas Lounge

1320 Broad St Victoria BC
Located at 1320 Broad Street, Lacey-Lou Tapas Lounge provides a new, exciting concept merging local food, beverage, artwork and music — all within the four walls of a heritage building in the heart of downtown Victoria. An art lounge – a place for creative minds to gather, explore, relax and be inspired. Art shouldn’t be confined to what is traditional; we display graffiti, comics, tattoo art, pop surrealism – anything colourful and exciting by local artists. A tapas bar – fresh and tasty, local ingredients, affordable, and easily combined to suit any appetite. We steered away from large portions and are working on a menu ideal for sharing in a laid back environment. An entertainment venue - showcasing a wide variety of Victoria’s local musicians; highlighting the broad range of genres and stylings Victoria has to offer. Any night there isn’t live music, you can find Lacey-Lou the host of local improv nights, stand-up comedy, spoken word, and much, much more.


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