
Lisa Riehl

Experience the wonder and joy of Vancouver Island’s natural beauty through the paintings of Lisa Riehl. Lisa has created a masterful collection of oil and acrylic paintings of the island, from majestic old growth trees and forests to the beaches of the wild west coast. Being immersed in nature is a powerful thing and sometimes evokes very strong emotions. See the island from the point of view of the artist, through a lens that makes everything brighter and more intense. Lisa Riehl is an artist from Victoria. Her bold and colourful interpretations of the beautiful landscapes around her have captured the hearts of many art collectors. Lisa goes almost everywhere with her camera and is always taking photos of scenes that inspire her (and if she’s out with others, she’s always lagging behind taking all these photos!). Once home in her studio, she then uses these photos and the impressions she felt while she was there as references for her distinctive style of oil + acrylic paintings. Lisa is self-taught but has learned much from the numerous painting workshops she has participated in and from the many incredible instructors who have helped contribute to her unique style. Sh... more...
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