Fairfield Gonzales Community Association

1330 Fairfield Road Victoria BC
V8S 5J1
The Fairfield Gonzales Community Association was established September 17, 1975 by volunteer residents to enhance the quality of life in Fairfield. The population of Fairfield currently stands at over 17,000. There are over 1200 elementary students in the neighbourhood. A middle school straddles the border between Fairfield/Rockland and Fernwood. The Fairfield Community Association represents the Fairfield Gonzales neighbourhood is defined in it's constitution as bounded by Blanchard Street to the west, Fort Street to the north, Foul Bay to the east and the waterfront, or Dallas Road, to the south. Within these boundaries are the neighborhoods of Rockland to the north, with its own formalized Community Association, and Gonzales to the east. Fairfield Community Place is the only neighbourhood Centre within these boundaries. In 1984 the Association opened Fairfield Community Place. The "Place" is a community centre and neighbourhood house which operates recreation and leisure programs for all age groups, Out of School Care programs operate in three locations serving Sir James Douglas, Sundance and Margaret Jenkins elementary schools. Special neighbourhood events such as Swiftsure Pancake Breakfast,, a Halloween Celebration and Bonfire happened in the past. the Holiday Craft Fair continues as well as new events which have been added to meet new community needs, like Fall FairField, Family Fun Day and specific fundraising events.


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