
Flora Jardine

Flora Jardine is a writer of fiction, satire and comic dialogue and a member of Victoria Independent Authors and Publishers Assn. She likes to participate in pop-up theatre whenever possible. Some of her recent stories have appeared in:
Island Writer ("Suicide Post"), Pif Magazine ("A Long Marriage" - https://www.pifmagazine.com/2019/09/a-long-marriage/), Corner Bar Review ("The Tale Whose Ending Can Never Be Told", http://cornerbarmagazine.com/pdfs/corner-bar-volume-04-issue-03.pdf), Popshot Quarterly ("Drowning", Escape Issue, May 2019, https://www.popshotpopshot.com/), Short Humour Review (www.short-humour.org.uk),
and Wandering Words: An Anthology of West Coast Writings 2018 ("Tunnelling Down").
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