
Adrian Glynn

Instruments: Vocals, Composition/Songwriting details
This past year saw Vancouver-based artist Adrian Glynn quietly showing his dark side as a silent menace on the silver screen; portraying first a soldier in Leonardo DiCaprio’s nightmares for The Revenant and then a gruesome, stich-mouthed villain in the series, Arrow. But here, on his sophomore solo record release, Glynn finds a light in the dark and ultimately a voice all his own. This is morelightthannolight. For this first solo venture since 2011’s critically acclaimed Bruise (which garnered him a nomination for Emerging Artist of the Year at the XM Canadian Indie Awards), Glynn took his first attempts at synthesized demos to his friends, Canadian indie heroes, The Zolas. Zach Gray and Tom Dobrzanski were intrigued by Glynn’s new electro-lite forays and excited by the prospect of producing another artist’s record for the first time. At a rainy cabin on BC’s Sunshine Coast, they decided to make an album together. This would become morelightthannolight. “We wanted to keep the intimacy and signature quality of Adrian's voice, but juxtapose his often solemn melodies with all the cool synths and drum machines we had at... more...
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