
Gord Badanic

Bass Professional
Piano/Keyboards Semi-Pro
Guitar Advanced Amateur
Drums Intermediate Amateur
Other: French Horn, ukulele
Gord Badanic: musician, producer, DJ, record label manager As a musician, played in The Zoo (1979 - 80), Culture Shock (1980-2), The Debutantes (1983-4), Go Four 3 (1984-92), Thrill Squad (1992-9), Infradig (1998), The LA-Z-Boys (1998-2003), Hairclub 100 (2003), and The New Black (2004-present). DJ at CiTR-fm (1981 to, uh, around 1993 or so). Former President and Music Director at CiTR. Founder of the Shindig! annual battle of the bands and its talent booker for the first two years. Music writer and reviewer for Discorder Magazine beginning with its first issue. Trained and put on-air a diverse assortment of DJs, including Steve Edge (Rogue Folk Club), Jason Grant (now at LiveNation) and Nardwaar the Human Serviette. In 1984, organized the financing for increasing CiTR’s broadcast power to its current level (from its previous rating of roughly 49 watts), as well as helping write the CRTC application for the power boost. In 1985, co-ran the Zulu Records label with owner Grant McDonagh, promoting artists such as Slow, The Enigmas and Poisoned, in addition to Gord’s own group, Go Four 3. In 1987, organized and ran Zulu Distribution, which became the largest distributor ... more...

Community Events

Current Projects

The New Black
lead bass,
2004 - present

Past Projects

Hair Club 100
The LA-Z Boys
bass, handclaps
1998 - 2003
Thrill Squad
1992 - 1999
Go Four 3
1984 - 1992
The Debutantes
bass, handclaps
1983 - 1984
Culture Shock
1980 - 1982