
Joey Only Outlaw Band

Label: Ravenhymn Productions
since circa 2006
Mike Usinger...Georgia Straight There’s no shortage of hipster-approved hot spots on Main Street, so it says something about Joey Only that he chooses Duffin’s Donuts as a meeting place. When the Georgia Straight sits down with the ex–squeegee kid turned anti-folksinger, there’s not a white-belted scenester to be found. At the tables out front, 40-something labourers slurp coffee served in white Styrofoam cups. Inside, pensioners who moved to Main decades before it was cool occupy tables that, two years from now, will no doubt be packed with the same indie-rock kids who line up at Bon’s Off Broadway. For now, though, Duffin’s is the domain of the poor and the working class, which is why Only likes it. If the Ontario expat identifies with those who don’t have a lot, it’s because he’s been there. A few years back, he spent time thumbing rides on Canadian roads and highways. That taught him a valuable lesson: we’re not all created equal. It’s no surprise then that Only’s debut disc, Radical Folk of the Great White North, finds him coming down passionately on the side of the world’s socially and economically disenfranchised. “Hitchhiking all over the ... more...
Broken Up

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Last Lineup

Joey Only
vocalist, guitarist
2006 - The End
Rick McAllion
electric bass
2006 - The End
James Forrest
double bass
2006 - The End
Christina Zaenker
2006 - The End
David Roy Parsons
2006 - The End
Rowan Lipkovits
2006 - The End
Mike Zinger
steel guitar
2006 - The End
Kenan Sungur
2006 - The End