
Arthur Rowe

Instruments: Piano/Keyboards details
Following his New York solo recital, The New York Times wrote: "The Canadian pianist Arthur Rowe made an immediate and positive impression....before eight bars had gone by, one knew he was capable of vigor without heaviness, energy without excess of drive. It was first-rate playing: a kind of execution tinglingly alive to the shape and contribution of each phrase". Enthusiastic reviews have followed Arthur Rowe's performances in cities across Canada, and the United States, as well as in Mexico, Europe and recently New Zealand. Reviewing a solo recital in London England, THE LONDON TIMES spoke of his "unusual clarity of articulation" and "poetry of expression". THE MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE wrote "sparkling piano playing", THE ROME DAILY NEWS, "a dazzling performance", and David Burge, writing in THE SAN DIEGO TRIBUNE said, "Rowe is a marvelous pianist. For him, technical problems simply do not exist, even when he is pushed to the limit by extreme virtuosic demands...he can concentrate all of his considerable talents on vital matters of phrasing, tone and ensemble. A native of Alberta, Arthur Rowe has been the recipient of several awards including Canada's first St. Lawrence Award in Musi... more...
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