
Danny Michel

DANNY MICHEL PUTS TOGETHER ALBUM THAT'S LITERATE, CLEVER -Doug Gallant - The Guardian If Danny Michel doesn't score points with Tales From The Invisible Man, it's not his fault. The Guelph-based singer-songwriter has done everything here you're supposed to do to make a record that works. He's crafted some superior pop songs, encased them in near-perfect arrangements and tied the whole package together with an almost flawless production job. Michel's follow-up release to his critically acclaimed 2001 release, In The Belly Of The Whale, abounds, with little pop gems that make you wonder why he's not yet a household name in this country. Tracks like In Your Arms, Two Hearts, The Invisible Man and The Luckiest Man In The World rank with the best in pure pop music I've heard this year from anybody. he continues to write very personal songs, the majority of which explore the way he sees himself and the way he views his relationships with others. he appears to be a romantic at heart but has a well-developed sense of irony that rears itself in songs like When I Get Out, a song about a man who spends much of his time behind bars dreaming about the sweet life... more...

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