
Adam Jan Joseph

Piano/Keyboards Advanced Amateur
Guitar Advanced Amateur
Bass Intermediate Amateur
Drums Intermediate Amateur
Other: Trumpet
My name's Adam Jan Joseph. I just turned 20 the other month. I've got a thing for taking the sounds I hear in my head and reproducing them with as many instruments as possible. I guess it all started pretty early. I was born into a musical family. Some of my earliest memories were the sounds of James Taylor, Crosby Stills and Nash and Joni Mitchell flowing though the house while mom hummed along. I had a tape my dad ripped for me with some cool songs and my very own cassette player. I used to be able to use it whenever I wanted until my parents got concerned I'd never do anything else. I probably wouldn't have. A 5 year old's conception of god is questionable at the least. But I was damn sure he was Gino Vanelli. After a while I di... more...

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