
Sheri-D Wilson

The Mama of Dada - Sheri-D Wilson (poet, playwright, performer, film-maker, essayist, teacher) has been called one of North America's most compelling action poets. Her unparalleled performance style is rich with erotic jazz, infused with a sharp feminist sensibility, and laced with a dangerous wit. Of the beat tradition, in 1989 Sheri-D studied at Naropa, The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in Boulder. Sheri-D's unique poetry shatters all conventions. Her live performance/readings highlights include: The Superbowl of Poetry - Winner (2003, Seattle), The World Poetry Bout 2002 (Taos, New Mexico), Poetry Africa 2001 (2001: Durban & Jo'burg, South Africa), Shakespeare and Co. (2001: Paris), PanCanadian Wordfest (2000, 1995: Calgary/Banff), Vancouver International Writers Festival (2002, 2000, 1995, 1993, 1990: Vancouver), Bumbershoot (1999, 1991, 1989: Seattle), Small Press Festival (1990: New York), Harbourfront Reading Series (1993: Toronto), Spoken Word Festival (1996: Montreal), Brainwash Reading Series (1995: San Francisco). Sheri-D Wilson has five collections of published poetry: Bulls Whip & Lambs Wool (1989, Petarade Press), Swerve (1993, Arsenal Pulp Press)... more...

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