Freight Train - Single

Freight Train - Single

( September 2020 )
Price: $1.00
Speaks to reconciliation and forgiveness, applicable both to an intimate relationship and in a wider, sociopolitical (TRC) and human rights sense. How it came about: Was teaching piano a couple of years ago and haven’t had my own piano since I left home (for university) at 18, used to go up to the university and play in the music school at night, then got a crappy keyboard to practice for jazz gigs, fronted a 17-piece all-male Big Band. It felt like “coming home,” playing a real piano, I’d go early and stay late playing around after lessons, growing up I’d play 30min improv, instrumental, just playing around… I literally wrote the bones of Freight Train after teaching 4-7-year-olds piano lessons. lyrics

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