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Event Info

Classical Europe

Voice and Pipe Organ and fabulous music!
Event is live streamed / online.Event can be attended in person In-Person + Livestream
8:00pm  Doors at: 8:00pm $10-$35


Laudate Singers
choral from North Vancouver BC
Available but Seeking Musicians
Paragon Singers
choral from North Vancouver BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Angelique Po (organ)

Event Description

The 75 voices of Laudate Singers and Paragon Singers are joined by guest organist Angelique Po for this concert of voice, pipe organ and fabulous music. Lars Kaario conducts.

The varied program includes brilliant music by Mozart, Haydn and Schubert from the Classical period. The earlier Baroque period will be represented by a Czech composer who may be new to you, Jan Dismas Zelenka. He was one of the most prolific Baroque composers whose exciting works have recently been rediscovered after 200 years hidden away in the Dresden court where he spent most of his working life.

Fast forward to contemporary times to include Canadian contemporary composers David McIntyre, Sheryl Sewepagaham, and a new commission entitled “A Note” by the choirs’ composer-in-residence André Luiz Machado.

The concert is happening at West Vancouver United Church with its beautiful pipe organ and excellent acoustics. Being there in person is always best but livestream tickets are available which allows you to watch the concert as it happens or as often as you like until May 31.

https://www.vtixonline.com/laudate-singers-society/3332/ For more information or to order tickets from a real person, email Manager Miriam at info@laudatesingers.com or leave a message for callback at 604-729-6814.


West Vancouver United Church

2062 Esquimalt Avenue West Vancouver BC

Event Poster

Classical Europe - Feb 23rd @ West Vancouver United Church

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