Event Description
Someone said, or at least someone should have said, “to name a thing deprives it of all its potential to be countless other things”. That is why I resist giving paintings titles; what I see in them is ephemeral and changes from moment to moment. Any label is misleading because visual imagery speaks its own language which does not translate into words. The images I paint take many months of gestation and one of the factors in their conception is eliminating content which confines their impact to a single interpretation which can be reduced to a few words. “But people like to know what the artist was thinking”, I am told. Well I can’t put in words what I was thinking when I painted an image or what I think when looking at a painting. They are visual experiences. The titles you see in brackets are transient. They will change whenever I change them. Edward Hopper did say, “If you could say it in words, there would be no reason to paint.”