one cool word Vol. 4 No. 4 (#16)

Vancouver Art Book Fair
ArtistsGrimson, Nathan; Locke, Steve; Morrow, Paige; Navatril, Judit; Roth, David; Sawatsky, Melissa; Semeniuk, Dave; Taron, Elizabeth; Tepui, Anton; Weiss, Keith; Pelson, Alisha
CuratorStefanucci, Tracy; Lee, Ellen; Neale, Jen; Leighton, Mary; Lyon, Briana; Lillies, Jenna; Halloran, Jaz
Date MonthMarch
Summaryone cool word is an art and literary magazine, founded by Tracy Stefanucci and Ken Yong, that exclusively featured work by Vancouverites and included a CD compilation of local music.
MediaAudio, Community-based practice, Creative Writing, Design, Drawing, Illustration, Multimedia, Music, Painting, Photography, Sound art, Text-based art
Image CopyrightImage Viewable (permission granted)
Hard Copy Location
Vancouver Art Book Fair
Notes49 pages plus covers.
Bands on disk (song): The Woodland Drive (No Goodbyes; Annoyed); Mississippi Portrait (Last Song; Traveling Song); The Autumn Portrait (Grace; Wonder); The Sicks (That Old Me; Cynthia); The Stolen Organ Family Band (The Northern Sparrow; There R 2 Many Hrs in the Day); Rich Hope (Lets Jump Around Some).
Excerpts of issue can be found at: