one cool word Vol. 2 No. 1 (#5)

Vancouver Art Book Fair
ArtistsFast, Penelope; Greaves, Juliana; Hatfield, Laura; Khasha, Siavash; Lamb, Heather; Lummin, Elliott; Nabata, Avery; Niemier, Josh; Pas, Chelsey; Pready, Kevin; Scolozzi, Matty; van Lidth de Jeude, Emily; Arnett, Kat
CuratorStefanucci, Tracy;
Date MonthMarch
Summaryone cool word is an art and literary magazine, founded by Tracy Stefanucci and Ken Yong, that exclusively featured work by Vancouverites and included a CD compilation of local music.
MediaAudio, Community-based practice, Creative Writing, Design, Drawing, Illustration, Multimedia, Music, Painting, Photography, Print Media, Text-based art
Image CopyrightImage Viewable (permission granted)
Hard Copy Location
Vancouver Art Book Fair
NotesBands on disc (song): Ok Vancouver Ok (The Balcony); Cheap Suit Big Tie (Inside Out of the Blue); Portico (All You Daughters); Tapwater & Chadio (Broke Comfy); Russian Words (Silent Feeding Tube); Panurge (Black Box); A Relative Distance (Silent War); The Minoans (Bohemian Resume); The Glim Project (Malcontent); Keith Grief (Simple Question); jrj (i'm apart); Madison's Panic (The Panic Symposium); Field+Stream (Of Brine and Brawn); Tamas Czegeny (Eternal Despair Orchestral); Alyson Fun (Mr. Lundin); Combine the Victorious (Embrace). Excerpts of the issue found at: