OCW Magazine Vol. 5 No. 3 (#19)

Vancouver Art Book Fair
ArtistsWan, Andrea; Luk, Ashlee; Ko, Brendan George; Vu, Brian; Grant, Daniel; Semeniuk, David; Putz, Hanna; Smits, Helmut; Lee, Jeffry; Bell, Jessica; Bergstrom, Malin; Jolly, Marcus; Roehreke, Niky; Cruz, Patrick; McManus, Patrick S; Bucher, Tom; Moglu, Tom;
CuratorStefanucci, Tracy; Halloran, Jaz; Locke, Steve; Neale, Jen; Rayne, Shannon;
Date MonthJuly
SummaryIn 2010, one cool word was relaunched as the artists’ publication OCW Magazine with the help of Jaz Halloran, after Tracy Stefanucci registered the organization as the non-profit Society OCW Arts & Publishing Foundation. The compact discs of music were replaced with a featured music compilation downloadable from their website at ocwmagazine.ca. OCW 5.3/#19 served as the finale to the organization's fifth publishing year.
MediaAudio, Community-based practice, Creative Writing, Design, Drawing, Illustration, Multimedia, Music, Painting, Photography, Print Media, Text-based art
Image CopyrightImage Viewable (permission granted)
Hard Copy Location
Vancouver Art Book Fair
NotesExcerpts can be found at: https://vabfblog.wordpress.com/2011/07/01/july-1-2011/