Video Guide Vol. 7 No. 2 [#32]
![Video Guide Vol. 7 No. 2 [#32]](
VIVO Media Arts Centre
ArtistsFiset, Jean; Fowler, Skai; Lam, Bruce; Olanick, Anita; Wasney, Steve; Hall, Nick; Trott, Jamirte; Mowbray, Edward; Reckinger, Candace; Mowbray, Edward; Taylor, Ruth; Doyle, Helen; Harding, Noel
Date MonthMarch
Summary"Welcome to VIDEO GUIDE, a newspaper for and about alternative video in Vancouver. (From first issue)." Managing Editor this issue: S. Preus. Cover photo by A. Olanick. Includes "Hardware Notes" by S. Preus, "Present Tense: In Conversation with Edward Mowbray", with a review of "Impossible Love" from C. Reckinger by J. Trott, of "Words and Wounds of Silence" of H. Doyle by K. Henry; of "Not Dead Yet" of E. Mowbray/R. Taylor by K. Knights, with articles on Ed Video (M. Hanna), on "Time Based Arts Amsterdam" (C. Wyngaarden); and the "Scanning" feature. Photos by J. Fiset, S. Fowler, B. Lam, A. Olanick, S. Wasney, N. Hall and J. Trott. VIDEO, FEMINISM
MediaVideo, Multimedia
Image CopyrightImage Viewable (permission granted)
Notes16 pages total, quality white newsprint throughout. Production staff this issue, other than noted in 'authors': Crista Haukedal, Julie Healey, Jill Kelly, Shawn Preus and Frans Van de Ven.