Video Guide Vol. 1 No. 3

VIVO Media Arts Centre
ArtistsdeFanti, Tom; Steele, Lisa; Paik, Nam June; Yamaguchi, Katsuhiro; Yamamoto, Keigo; Kobayashi, Hakudo; Kawanaka, Nubohiro; Horn, Rebecca; Viola, Bill; Tanigawa, Shiotaro; Berteig, Garry; Hoover, Nan; Schoenbaum, Sam; Lummerzheim, Annie; Poissenot, Sylvie; Balcells, Eugenia; Bicocchi, Maria Gloria; Verrier, Bob; Rouart-Ashton, Shirley; Saporito, Pier Paolo; Cardazzo, Paolo; Bartlett, Bill; Starck, Jim; Johnston, Gail; Arnold, Mary; Lindsay, Jim; Corman, Susan; Lovett, Sharon; Kanda, Yasuhiro; Robertson, Clive; Boe, June
Date MonthJune
Summary"Welcome to VIDEO GUIDE, a newspaper for and about alternative video in Vancouver. (From first issue)." Tentative publication month as this is the 'Summer' edition. Editor this issue: ?. Cover photo by ?. 'Tattletape' feature announces upcoming video events here and elsewhere, with articles by The Children's Television Association ("kid's video project"); L. Vanderzag ("Digital Video Details"), R. Ward ("V.A.G. Critique Session Critiqued"), M. Goldberg ("Japan Video Encounter"), A. Harvey & S. Preus ("European Tour Report"), A. Kaplan ("Short Notes"), R. Gentleman ("Hardwear Notes"); an announcement of "Slow Scan Video" by B. Bartlett of Open Space Gallery; reviews by R. Ward ("New & Old Video"); an interview with N. Hoover & S. Schoenbaum by A. Harvey & S. Preus, another of C. Robertson by P. Wong; and a letter by Women & Video (Japan). Video Events calendar on back page. Photos by S. Lovett, Y. Kanda. VIDEO, FEMINISM
MediaVideo, Multimedia
Image CopyrightImage Viewable (permission granted)
Notes16 pages total, white cover page with newsprint guts. Production staff this issue, other than noted 'authors': Daryl Lacey, Janet Miller, Jeanette Reinhardt, Kim Ramsey, Barbara Steinman, Charlie Keast, Crista Preus, Janet Miller, Rieko Kanazawa and Sharon Lovett.