D’est en ouest : un projet d’échange et d’exposition avec la participation de 9 artistes du Québec et de la Colombie-Britannique / West in East: An Exchange Exhibition Series Featuring 9 Artists from Quebec and British Columbia

Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art
ArtistsHuey-Heck, Lois; Johnston, Byron; Jones, Kip; Kalnin, Jim; Lee, Crystal; Suarez, Richard; Côté, Mario; Plamondon, Mirielle; Trahan, Carl
CuratorThéoret, Yves; Macklem, Jennifer; Roy, Daniel
SummaryEssays on the exchange and exhibition project that took place from April 4 to 27 at Headbones Gallery in Vernon (BC), from May 2 to 23 at The Alternator Gallery in Kelowna (BC), and from May 18 to June 16, 1996 at Skol. Texts by Jennifer Macklem & Yves Théoret.
MediaArchitecture, Community-based practice, Installation, Multidisciplinary, Multimedia
Hard Copy Location
Alternator Centre for Contemporary Art