ISSUE magazine Vol. 1 No. 6

ISSUE magazine Vol. 1 No. 6
ArtistsMulligan, Lorna; Bull, Hank; Oraf; Richman, Jonathan; Toulouse, Janice; Chappell, Georgianna; Kamins, Jeannie; Morgan, Joey; Oleszko, Pat; Wood, Alan; Clay, Allyson; Marshall, Vicky; Richard Lukacs, Attila; Raphanel, Philippe; Lucs, Art; Kemble, Diana; Cora, Tom; Firth, Fred; Somov, Andrej; MacDonald, Ken
AuthorBull, Hank; Douglan, Susan; D. Chan, Irene; Ewasiuk, Terry; Hopper, Hedy; Itter, Carole; Kamins, Jeannie; Kaplan, Joel; Klyman-Mowczan, James; Little, Billy; MacKillop, Michael; Mills, Dennis; Pollack, Jill; Varty, Alex; Wallace, Keith; Wollstonecroft, M.
Date MonthMay
Summary"ISSUE is a magazine devoted to the visual arts in Vancouver. It is produced by and for Vancouver artists." (Issue V.1 No.3). Produced by an editorial board including: Jim Carrico, Barbara Daniel, Sandy Gow, Lorna Mulligan, and assistants George Allen, Jeannie Kamins, Michael Mackillop, Danielle Peacock and Keven Stephens; with thanks to Rick Skinder. Cover photo by H. Bull, with design help from L. Mulligan. Opening remarks by H. Hopper. Interviews of H. Bull by B. Daniels, Oraf also by B. Daniels, J. Toulouse by T. Ewasiuk; Reviews of G. Chappell (K. Wallace), Four Painters (J. Kaplan), Immersion (C. Itter), Aesotica II (M. Mackillop), J. Kamins (M. Wollstonecoft), Art Lucs (I. D. Chan) J. Morgan (J. Pollack), P. Oleszko (B. Little), Skeleton Crew (A. Varty), and A. Woods (J. Kamins); Essays by S. Douglas (Looking at the Cover), S. Sky (The Day Before Deadline), J. Klyman-Mowczan (The Point), and I. D. Chan (Modele Kite). VANCOUVER, ARC, VAG, OCTOBER SHOW MAIL ART PAINTING SCULPTURE DRAWING GALLERY PHOTOGRAPHY INSTALLATION PUNK VIDEO
MediaVideo, Community-based practice, Creative Writing, Drawing, Installation, Music, Painting, Photography, Sculpture
NotesColour covers with 36 b/w internal pages. Includes an extensive gallery listing for the Vancouver area and detailed gallery map as a centrefold, plus on page 20.