Vancouver Anthology (2nd Edition)

Or Gallery
SummaryAce Gallery, Active Artifacts: Transpositions, Amelia Productions, John Anderson, The Gina Show, Roy Arden, Roy Armes, Artery, Artropolis, Artspeak Gallery, Behind the Sign, The Association for Noncommercial Culture, Association of National Non-Profit Centres (annpac), Daina Augaitis, B.C. Film, Gamma Bak, Alvin Balkind, Marion Barling, Maxwell Bates, Iain Baxter, Ingrid Baxter, Judson Beaumont, Bill Bennett, Craig Berggold, Jo-Anne Birnie Danzker, Byron Black, Persimmon Blackbridge, Taki Bluesinger, June Boe: Mudflats, Joan Borsa, George Bowering: Burning Water, Claude Breeze, The British Columbia Government, Employees Union (bcgeu), The British Columbia Indian Arts Welfare, Society 295, Betty Ann Brown, Colin Browne, Benjamin Buchloh, Hank Bull, Dorothy Burrit, C magazine, Cable Ten, Eric Cameron, Kati Campbell, The Canada Council, The Canadian Film Development Corp., Emily Carr, Jim Carrico, Judy Chicago: The Dinner Party, Don Chorley: To the Valley of the Castles, Doug Christmas, Marek Cizewski: The Good The Bad and The Hungry (Melancholia Africanis), Cineworks Independent Filmmakers Society, James Clifford, The Coalition for the Right to View (crtv), Daniel Congdon: Vancouver Technical School, Kate Craig, Peter Culley: Gothic, Mary Daniel: Connecting Lines, Gary Michael Dault, Joe David, David Thompson University Centre (dtuc), Robert Davidson, Michael de Courcy, Steve DeNure: Ranch, Maya Deren: Meshes of the Afternoon, Jeff Derksen: Through, Sara Diamond, Christos Dikeakos: Instant Photo Information, Virginia Domingues, Louise Dompierre, Ian Doncaster: Rubblewomen, Stan Douglas: Link Fantasy, East End Artists Association, The Emily Carr College of Art and Design (eccad), Mike Featherstone, Christian F. Feest, Deanna Ferguson: Link Fantasy, Gerald Ferguson: One Million Pennies, Bill Fix: Media Wall, Ann Marie Fleming: New Shoes, Kenneth Fletcher: 60 Unit Bruise, Tom Folland, Peter Fuller, Peggy Gale, Gallery T.O.O., Henry Louis Gates Jr., Bernice Gerard, Peter Gidal, Gerry Gilbert, Sheila Gilhooly, Michael Goldberg, Terry Goldie, Dan Graham, James Graham, Rodney Graham, Phillip Grauer: Untitled, John Greer, John Grierson, Group K, Patricia Gruben, The Grunt Gallery, David Hall, Árni Rúnar Haraldsson, Noel Harding, Russell J. Harper, Harry Hawthorn, Elke Hayden, Scott Haynes, Oliver Hockenhull: Determinations, Willard Holmes, Stephen Horne, Linda Hutcheon, In Visible Colours, Harold Innis, Intermedia, The BC Almanac, the Dome Show, isis: Women’s Media Distribution and Production Centre, Issue Magazine, Carole Itter: Birthdays, Alice Jardine, Yasmin Jiwani, Bill Jones: Landscape, Chief Alex Jones, Clarence Jones, Frank Jones, Roy Jones,Paul Kane, Ann Kaplan, Marianne Kaplan: Songololo, Garry Neill Kennedy, John Kennedy: Untitled Sculptural Work, Richard Kerr: The Last Days of Contrition, Russell Keziere, Gary Kibbins, Gordon Kidd, Kinesis, Fumiko Kiyooka, Roy Kiyooka, Walter Koerner, The Kootenay School of Writing, Art Kube, Laiwan, Darcy Lange, David Larson, The Lawn Boys, Gary Lee-Nova, Malcolm Le Grice, Donna Leisen: Absence/Presence, Beatrice Lennie, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Glenn Lewis, Sara Leydon, Jim Lipkovits, Lucy Lippard, Peter Lipskis, Ardele Lister, Colin Low, The Lower Mainland’s Women’s Cultural Exchange, Joan Lowndes, Ken Lum, Historical Portraits, Language Paintings, Logo Portraits, Furniture Sculpture, World Portraits, Youth Portraits, Duane Lunden, Mike MacDonald, Fish Story, Kathryn MacLeod: Houseworks, Liz Magor, Main Street Inc., Unit Bruise, Makara, André Malraux, Patricia Marchak, Kellie Marlowe, Wallace Martin, Victor Masayeva, Matrix Video Conference, John Bentley Mays, Grace McCarthy, Phillip McCrum, Micki McGee, Robert McKaskell, Marshall McLuhan, Patricia Mellencamp, Metro Media, Annette Michelson, Joey Morgan, Almost*Dreaming, Michael Morris: Image Bank, Laura Mulvey, Doug Munday,: Houseworks, Jack Munro, Warren Murfitt, The N.E. Thing Company (netco), Diana Nemiroff, The New Design Gallery, Michelle Nickel, The (N)on Commercial Gallery, The Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (nscad), A Particular History: Artist-Run Centres in Vancouver, Keith Wallace, Daring Documents: The Practical Aesthetics of Early Vancouver Video, Sara Diamond, Expanded Consciousness and Company Types: Collaboration Since Intermedia and the N.E. Thing Company, Nancy Shaw, Independent Film After Structuralism: Hybrid Experimental Narrative and Documentary, Maria Insell, Some Are Weather-Wise; Some Otherwise: Criticism and Vancouver by William Wood, A Working Chronology of Feminist Cultural Activities and Events in Vancouver: 1970–1990, Carol Williams, Sculpture and the Sculptural in Halifax and Vancouver, Robin Peck, Painting and the Social History of British Columbia, Robert Linsley, Discovering the Defeatured Landscape, Scott Watson, Construction of the Imaginary Indian, Marcia Crosby, The October Show, Haruko Okano, Operation Solidarity, Solidarity Coalition, Or Gallery, Pacific Cine Centre, Pacific Cinémathèque Pacifique, Parachute magazine, Parallelogramme, Rozsika Parker, Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun, Pender Street Gallery, Art Perry, Griselda Pollock, Hugues Pommier, Shawn Preus, Chief Watson Price, Protozoa Furniture Projects, Pumps Centre for the Arts, Rod Quin, George Rammell, Ellen Ramsey, Al Razutis, R.E.A.L. Women, Reelfeelings Women’s Collective, Bill Reid, David Rimmer, Margaret Roberts, Brad Robinson, Luke Rombout, Edward Roper, Avis Lang Rosenberg,Martha Rosler, Randy Rotheisler: Northern Lines, Dallas Selman: Tuskemono Recipe ,Bruce Serafin, Doris Shadbolt, Jack Shadbolt, Tom Shandel, Sima Elizabeth Shefrin, Kaja Silverman, Simon Fraser University Centre for the Arts, Robert Smithson, Greg Snider, Michael Snow: Wavelength, Social Credit Party of British Columbia, Solidarity Coalition, Operation Solidarity, The Sound Gallery, Randi Spires, Barbara Steinman: Breast Self Examination, Alan Storey, Bryan Sutton, Merike Talve, Telefilm Canada, Paul Tennant, Ellen Thompson, Mildred Valley Thorton, Loretta Todd, Kim Tomczak, Kirk Tougas, Elke Town, The Unit/Pitt Gallery, University of British Columbia (ubc), The Festival of Contemporary Art, Museum of Anthropology (moa), The Vancouver Art Gallery, The Vancouver Artists League, Vancouver Community Television Association, Vancouver Status of Women: Newsletter, Vancouver Women’s Media Collective, The Vancouver Women’s Video and Film Festival, Elizabeth Vander Zaag, Vanguard magazine, Frederick Varley, Zainub Verjee, Roy Vickers, Video Inn, Visual Evidence, Jeff Wall, Ian Wallace, The Warehouse Show, Andy Warhol, Scott Watson, Benjamin West: The Death of General Wolfe, The Western Front, Calvin Wharton: Absence/Presence, Dennis Wheeler, Janice Whitehead, Nettie Wild: A Rustling of Leaves: Inside the Philippine Revolution, Percy Williams, Chief Ernie Wilson, Sandy Wilson: Growing Up in Paradise, My American Cousin, Solomon Wilson, The Winnipeg Manifesto Group, Peter Wollen, Women Against the Budget (wab), Women In Focus, Women’s Interart Co-op, Paul Wong,William Wood, Dennis Young
MediaFilm, Multidisciplinary, Multimedia, Painting, Sculpture, Video
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Hard Copy Location
British Columbia Archives, Royal BC Museum,
Burnaby Public Library,
Emily Carr University Library,
Greater Victoria Public Library,
Library and Archives Canada,
Library of the University of British Columbia, Rare Books and Special Collection,
SFU Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books,
Simon Fraser University Libraries,
University of British Columbia Libraries,
University of Victoria Libraries,
Vancouver Art Gallery Library,
Or Gallery,
Vancouver Public Library, Central Branch
NotesThe essays collected in this book were first presented in the autumn of 1990 as part of a lecture series entitled Vancouver Anthology: Lectures on Art in British Columbia, a forum in which each contributing writer could test his or her research on the question of art and politics in public, before their papers were sent to print. The papers documented a range of Vancouver cultural practices, including the emergence of artist-run centres, experimental performance and video, feminist activity, collaboration, sculpture, painting, art criticism, conceptual art and landscape, as well as critical reflections on perceptions of aboriginal cultures.
Twenty years after the publication of its first edition, the Or Gallery is pleased to announce the launch of the second edition Vancouver Anthology, edited by acclaimed Vancouver artist Stan Douglas.
Vancouver Anthology has been out of print for several years. Earlier attempts to reprint the book were thwarted due to lost or destroyed design files and production films. In the absence of a second printing, scarcity and high-demand drove up prices for existing volumes, making the book unaffordable to artists and to students in particular. The new edition, which has been over two years in production, was recreated using early text files of the essays and by sourcing and re-scanning images from their original negatives and transparencies. A new design by Derek Barnett pays tribute to Douglas’s 1991 original, yet provides the opportunity to move to a larger hardcover format. Most significantly, the second edition features a new afterword by Douglas, reflecting on sociopolitical changes since the anthology’s beginnings in 1990.
Essays in the book include: A Particular History: Artist-Run Centres in Vancouver by Keith Wallace; Daring Documents: The Practical Aesthetics of Early Vancouver Video by Sara Diamond; Expanded Consciousness and Company Types: Collaboration Since Intermedia and the N.E. Thing Company by Nancy Shaw; Independent Film After Structuralism: Hybrid Experimental Narrative and Documentary by Maria Insell; Some Are Weather-Wise; Some Otherwise: Criticism and Vancouver by William Wood; A Working Chronology of Feminist Cultural Activities and Events in Vancouver: 1970–1990 by Carol Williams; Sculpture and the Sculptural in Halifax and Vancouver by Robin Peck; Painting and the Social History of British Columbia by Robert Linsley; Discovering the Defeatured Landscape by Scott Watson; and Construction of the Imaginary Indian by Marcia Crosby.
Vancouver Anthology is co-published by the Or Gallery and Talonbooks, Vancouver. Printing and production of the second edition project was generously supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, Vancouver Cultural Olympiad, British Columbia Arts Council, and the Audain Foundation for the Visual Arts in British Columbia.