Shapeshifter Hotspot. Now.

Publisher Open Space
ArtistsSuzanne Bessette; Bob Brown; Jo Cook; Donna Eichel; Chris Gillespie; Ken Hudson; Karina Kalvaitis; Wesley Mulvin; Rick Raxlen; Ron Rudge; Shawn Shepherd; David P. Smith; Christopher Starkey; Ben van Netten; Wendy Welch; Woodpile Collective; Blythe Hailey; Sean Mclaughlin; Shawn O'Keefe
AuthorTodd A Davis
SummaryThis group exhibition Shapeshifter Hotspot. Now. of artists from across Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands puts forth an intent, individual in nature, as varied as the work itself, but still a group effort, internationalism mixed with a thorough smattering of local viewpoints sifted through the sieve of post-modernism beckoning to the uninitiated as well as the seasoned viewer.
MediaVideo, Multidisciplinary, Multimedia, Painting, Performance, Sculpture, Video
Hard Copy Location Open Space