Pulse Interval
Open Space
ArtistsAzin Seraj; Andrew Forster; Jamie Drouin; Farheen HaQ
CuratorCatlin Lewis; Helen Marzolf
SummaryPulse Interval was an exhibition that featured work by Jamie Drouin, Andrew Forster, Farheen Haq, and Azin Seraj curated by Catlin Lewis and Helen Marzolf. The curators adapted the term "pulse interval," a gap or interval between regular or intermittent signal waveforms such as the sounds made by bats as they navigate the night sky. The curators proposed that "technology and human movement act as navigational aides in forming an interiorized local knowledge of place or identity. The artists in this exhibition investigate the nuances of how we mobillize habits of movement, technology, and data to navigate and inhabit our geographic, psychosocial and political locales."
MediaVideo, Audio, Multimedia, Sound art, Video
Image CopyrightImage Viewable (permission granted)
Hard Copy Location
Open Space