5 B.C. poets / Carter, Lander, Snyder, Simpson, Copithorne.

ArtistsSnyder, Richard; Lander, Tim; Carter, Jim; Simpson, Gregg; Copithorne, Judi; Varney, Edwin
AuthorSnyder, Richard; Lander, Tim; Carter, Jim; Simpson, Gregg; Copithorne, Judi
SummaryBook collects and reprints first five Monographs produced by The Poem Company: Jim Carter, Reading; Tim Lander, Meditations of Caliban; Richard Snyder, Mind Phobie; Gregg Simpson, Saturated Scenes and Judi Copithorne, Arrangements. See individual entries for more information on texts. POETRY, INTERMEDIA
MediaCreative Writing
Notes204 pages total. Cover illustration by E. Varney.