Vancouver Performance Art Series
grunt gallery
ArtistsCreighton-Kelly, Chris; Oliv; Wilson, Sheri-D; Kane, Margo; Tate, Scott; Faryna, Emily; Lockwood, Sandra; Fisher, Elizabeth; Morris, Lowell; Wilson, Andrew
CuratorAlteen, Glenn; Milne, Susi
SummaryAlteen surveys the history of performance art in Vancouver and the venues that supported this work. Includes notes on ten artists' works. PERFORMANCE; VANCOUVER; POP TART CABARET
Data Sourcee-artexte
NotesAlteen, Glenn and Morris, Lowell and Tate, Scott. Vancouver Performance Art Series. Vancouver, BC: Grunt Gallery, 1990. Event presented in conjunction with the Vancouver Fringe Festival. -Presentation dates: 6 - 16 Sept. 1990, Grunt Gallery (Vancouver).