Out of Place

ArtistsBontogon, Eric; Butler, Margot; Chang, Ana; Edelstein, Susan; Holman, Shaira; Jones, Amy; Jones, Lizard; Mollineaux, Melinda; Naylor, Margaret; Sui, River; Tsang, Henry; Vaasjo, Anne; Weaving, Jill P.
AuthorWeaving, Jill (Catalogue coordinator); Weaving, Jill (Editor); Edelstein, Susan (Editor); Jones, Lizard (Editor); Larson, Jacqueline (Essayist); Edmunds, Sandra (Essayist); Kin Gagnon, Monika (Essayist)
SummaryCatalogue booklet of project by the Association of Noncommercial Culture called Out of Place. The project was born from discussions of geographic and temporal sites in relation to the concurrent anniversaries of the city of Vancouver. Catalogue provides record of the diverse aspects of the project, essays, documentary photography, projects' descriptions and artists' bios. Dislocation; Community; Visibility; Vancouver identity; Belonging; Sense of Place; Activism; Censorship; Identification;
MediaArchitecture, Community-based practice, Installation, Intervention, Multidisciplinary, Photography, Public art, Sculpture, Site-specific art, Social Practice, Text-based art
Data SourceMorris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery Archives
Notes4 copies on site, Box 6 Folder 7.6.10 Exhibition dates: July 1, 1992 - June 30, 1993 Essay titles: Larson, "Where is 'I am'?" Gagnon, "Seizing space" Edmunds, "Paths for both feet"