
Royal Canadian Artillery Band

The band of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery traces its roots to Quebec City. In 1879, the “B” Battery band of the Royal Canadian Artillery (a permanent force unit), became the first permanent military band based in Canada. The band was comprised of professionally trained musicians from England and France, and was a concert favourite of Quebecers. In 1899 this band became the Royal Canadian Artillery Band. The band has been stationed in several cities in the last century, including Quebec, Montreal, Halifax, and Edmonton. Active in both world wars and the Korean conflict, the band has seen service in many parts of the world, as well as all over Canada. The band has been re-formed three times - 1947, 1968, and 1994 in keeping with rationalizations of the Canadian Forces. In the last seven years, the band has participated in the “Canada Remembers” program (1994-95), commemorating Canada’s contribution to the Second World War. This took the band to Asia, England, Holland and Belgium. The band moved briefly from Montreal to Valcartier in 1996, and in December 1997, was officially welcomed to the Edmonton by then Garrison Commander Col JJ Selbie. Since arriving in Edmonton... more...

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