
Yesterday's Wine

formerly known as Dun Ropin'... well, it seems a couple of the guys weren't quite finished "ropin'" yet, so... a new name. We still have the same lineup.. Tom singin and playin guitar,a little bit of fiddle and mandolin, Doc slippin and slidin' on the pedal steel, Don still gettin paid by the note on lead guitar, as well as singin a few himself, Clayton O'Howe pickin the bass and runnin the sound (check out his website.. claytunes.com , and of course Randy layin down the groove that keep us all together, and singin both harmony and lead vocals as well.
Available for Shows/Gigs

Community Events

20:00 01:00

Current Lineup

Doc Jenkins
pedal steel
Don Peterson
lead guitar
Tom Gough
lead vocals/guitar
Randy Cross