
PS I Love You

The following from Paper Bag Records, April 2012.

Everyday life becomes more important when in your dreams, you’re already dead.

To the casual on-looker, PS I Love You’s quick rise to the summit of the intensely competitive Canadian music landscape is the thing dreams are made of. Heck – just over one year ago the band released their highly praised homage to their hometown Kingston, Ontario. Meet Me At The Muster Station was embraced by critics across the globe garnering consistently dazzling reviews. As a result PS I Love You’s Benjamin Nelson and Paul Saulnier began to tour Muster Station around the planet.

"The band's ode to Kingston, Meet Me At The Muster Station, was embraced by critics across the globe garnering consistently dazzling reviews."

Naturally, the band’s follow-up would gather inspiration from the opportunities that the success of Muster Station brought their way. You know, playing gigs all over the world, picking up new fans, making new friends, sharing the stage with artists that you respect. PS I Love You’s new album touches on all of these themes. If the band’s debut was about being from Kingston, album number two is about being away from Kingston. Sounds about right. Right?

While on the road Paul Saulnier began to have reoccurring dreams centered around, as dark as it may sound, his mortality. Triggered by life on the road – these images, created by Saulnier’s subconscious have, shaped the direction of the band’s brilliant new LP Death Dreams.

The album’s jumping-off point is the album’s title-track. ‘Death Dreams’ is a slow burning, brooding instrumental. Darkly beautiful and unlike anything PS I Love You have released to date, the song is a recreation of a melody played by a ‘death march band’ from one of Saulnier’s dreams. Heavy stuff indeed.

The mood lightens with the second track which has become a live favourite over the past few months. ‘Sentimental Dishes’ sees the band returning to a conventional PS I Love You sound with new twists. Death Dreams sees the band experimenting with their formula. The songs are longer in length this time around with more unpredictable changes and parts.

Upcoming single (or focus track as we call them in 2012) ‘Don’t Go’ is Death Dreams’ centrepiece. Featuring Nelson on backing vocals for the first time, the song builds to an irresistible crescendo that fades out and then back into handclaps and a beat that you just don’t want to end.

Death Dreams was recorded with Muster Station producer Matt Rogalsky on his portable studio in the band’s tiny rehearsal space. No big budget studios for these lads. The album’s photography and design of the album’s artwork (as seen above) was created and executed by Benjamin Nelson.
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