Teilhard Frost
Teilhard Frost is a multi-instrumentalist, specializing in traditional fiddle tunes, with a particular interest in the Appalachian Mountains. He has spent the last twelve years touring with critically acclaimed band Sheesham, Lotus and ‘Son, and is currently touring his new solo album, As the Crow Flies. Living on Wolfe Island, he makes banjos, supper, and his bed. "An accomplished singer and multi-instrumentalist, Teilhard captures the spirit of the old-time music better than anyone I know. He is a natural born entertainer who's stage presence is a joyful experience!" - Rick Ceballos, Artistic Director, Champlain Valley Folk Festival, Vermont, USA About Teilhard Frost A multi-instrumentalist and instrument maker, Teilhard Frost specializes in traditional Appalachian old time music. He was raised on Manitoulin Island, Ontario, spending time with the elder fiddlers in the area. At the age of three he was given a jaw harp and harmonica by his father, and his mother gave him a fiddle and a record of Kentucky fiddle tunes. He has continued to play them all ever since. As a teenager, he moved to Southern Ontario, where he took up the more ‘urban’ Saxophone, leaving the ... more...Unknown
Past Events
14:00 16:00
19:00 22:00