
Teagan McLaren

Teagan McLaren's intimate lyrics are like words torn from her diary, and the music is the glue binding the pages together. Ever since learning to play guitar at the age of 12, Canadian country artist Teagan McLaren has found harmony in creating music about her personal triumphs and struggles. “The initial challenge for me was not in writing songs, but actually performing them,” she says, “there is an inescapable vulnerability that comes along with revealing your music to the world and hoping that someone will relate to it. That fear was quickly conquered the first time I truly connected with a person over a song I wrote.” The initial challenge for me was not in writing songs, but actually performing them. There is an inescapable vulnerability that comes along with revealing your music to the world and hoping that someone will relate to it. - Teagan McLaren Gaining her confidence, Teagan gradually upgraded from performing in her living room, to jamming with other musicians at campfires and kitchen parties. It wasn’t until 2012 that her performance career took flight when a few friends convinced her to submit an audition video for the “Billy Idol” competition. T... more...
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