
Melinda Neal

I started school in England and was moved to Atlantic Canada in Grade five. The Arts were taught in grade school in England, and it was certainly my favorite subject. This early exposure really influenced me and when I moved to the West Coast after high-school, I explored various branches from pottery to painting.  As I grew older my passion centered on painting.

After starting with watercolours, I soon switched to acrylics, and then to oils.  I prefer the freedom of oil, the vibrant colours and the "forgiving" nature. I find the centuries of tradition behind oil painting appealing.

I love using bright colours and much, but not all, of my work is centered on the ocean. I am fascinated with the everchanging conditions and reflections, the way the wind, sun and tides are constantly creating differing atmospheres from serene to ferocious and everything in between.

I also have a series of floral works. These are usually differing views of seasonal bouquets from my much-loved garden, set on the yellow dining room table, in the late afternoon light with long shadows. I have also started the "Secret Garden" Series, showing the section of my garden with a cherished mosaic garden ornament.

My work is in collections as far away as Yorkshire UK, and South Carolina, USA. I have exhibited at various venues on Southern Vancouver Island. These include the annual SPAC, (Saanich Peninsula Arts and Crafts) show, also  the juried Sooke Fine Art Show.  I have been the Artist in Residence at the Panorama Rec Center, and The Pier Hotel in Sidney. I am the past Artsea/Coast Capital Art Display Lead. I am an Active member of the Canadian Federation of Artists.
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