
Jens Winther European Quintet

Label: Sundance Records
Last seen in Victoria with the Ed
Thigpen Scantet at JazzFest
2005, Danish-born Jens Winther
has been a professional trumpeter
and composer for 30 years. Now
back in Europe, he spent a lot of
time in New York where he played
with the likes of Kenny Barron,
Joe Henderson, Max Roach and
Tito Puente. A powerful and
sensitive player, Winther has for
some years surrounded himself
with the best of Europe’s veteran
and up-and-coming jazz artists.
His quintet plays straight-ahead
contemporary jazz with fire and
drive, and is celebrated across
Europe for their passion and
technique. The band includes
Tomas Franck tenor saxophone,
Ben Besiakov piano, Jonas
Westergaard bass and Dejan Terzic
“Winthers’ trumpet playing
reminds us of Miles Davis and Chet
Baker when they are at their
best!” –Politiken

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Current Lineup

Ben Besiakov
Dejan Terzic
Jens Winter
Thomas Franck
tenor saxophone