
Victor E. Crapnell

Whether through music, painting, photography or cartooning, I’ve expressed my imagination with enthusiasm and, most importantly, humour. I’ve studied both fine art and commercial art in Ottawa.

After graduation, I joined the fast-paced world of advertising as a Graphic Designer and then Art Director, in Ottawa. Very soon, finding myself drawn back toward the west, I packed up my guitar, paints, brushes and drawing board and headed to Vancouver.

Now peacefully settled in beautiful Victoria, I made my living as a Graphic Designer, while fulfilling my creative soul through my personal watercolour art. The wild, rocky west coast of Canada inspires me. The sheltered islets and bays of the Gulf Islands – to the misty, storm-tossed sands of Long Beach on the west side of Vancouver Island. Standing on the edge of the country and knowing that, beyond the horizon, the next stop is Japan.
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