
Peter N Van Giesen

Peter discovered his artistic and business talents early in elementary school when he sold some of his first works of art at recess for snack money. After taking every available art class during high school in Ontario, he completed post-secondary degrees in Psychology & Religion. He migrated to the west coast in 1981 and finally settled in Victoria in 1999.
During every stage of life, he took time to exercise creativity. When a studio space was available, creativity flourished. When no such space was available his creativity was channeled into his other endeavors in business and charitable sectors. In 2011 Peter made a renewed commitment to visual art and to sharing that gift with others. His first public display of his artwork was at the Victoria International Airport in 2012. After a successful solo art show, in January 2013, his artwork is found in private and corporate collections in North America, Europe and the UK. Peter states that, “doing art for me is a mystical process, a spiritual work, a profound experience, and a gift meant to be shared.”

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