

Flo-Elle Watson, Porcelain Painter Flo-Elle Watson attended the Kootenay School of Art, took courses at Uof Vic. Victoria Art College and Issaquah, WA. Flo-Elle has worked in the art field for more than 30 yrs. Creating , assisting, teaching and learning many mediums. After working in Clay, Oils, Water colors, and acrylics, she was influence by her Mother who was a painter of white Porcelain Flo-Elle is a painter, using clean white Porcelain as her canvas. She creates original, permanent, non-toxic, and functional Heritage pieces. Gifts for yourself and others. Flo-Elle served as a Directors on the Board of the Community Arts Council of Greater Victoria for the 8 years. Her role during that time was Art in Education. She organized exhibits for Middle and Secondary schools in the Greater Victoria area. Forming a group called The Youth Group of Seven. (7 youth picked and taught how to exhibit, writing bios, hang work, invite guests, how to organize openings and closings of their exhibits.) Flo-Elle is the Past President of the Oak Bay Community Artists Society, having served as pres. for 8 yrs. One of the founding members of the Society and Bowker Creek Brush-up Art S... more...

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