
Colin James

As the aphorism goes life imitates art and art imitates life. And for an accomplished artist like Colin James, on the occasion of a new chapter in his celebrated Little Big Band series of recordings, the aphorism couldn't be more apt. On Colin James and The Little Big Band 3 the jump blues and hard r' n' b chestnuts that populate the majority of the album are re-cast in dynamic fashion courtesy of Colin and his exemplary band. Let's not be shy about it - LBB 3 continues its own tradition superbly, and raises the bar in what will be viewed as one of the finest recordings of the year. By now the basic points in the Colin James resume are well known: * Saskatchewan born * First artist signed to the then fledgling Virgin America label * Well over a million albums sold worldwide * 6 Juno awards * 10 albums in nearly 20 years of music making But the real point to be made today is that Colin is an artist revitalized, an artist who has literally and figuratively found his musical soul. What started on 2005's excellent roots-drenched Limelight is continued on LBB3. It's Colin James the vocalist on display, as much as Colin James guitarist extraordinai... more...

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