
Marco Banco

Guitar Professional
Bass Professional
Drums Advanced Amateur
Piano/Keyboards Intermediate Amateur
Other: trumpet
Playing guitar in and around the Vancouver Metal scene since 1984.
A member of Vancouvers very first Speed/thrash metal act known as WITCHES HAMMER in the Lower Mainland from 1984 till 1990.
Played shows with some of the great originators of that era, such as;
Exciter,Metal Church,Exodus,The Accused,Death Sentence,Verbal Abuse,Sacred Blade,etc.
Played for the band Blasphemy in the late 1980's till around 1993.
Blasphemy were the first Black Metal band in Canada, and one of the early pioneers of the genre.
Known to the underground as War metal and more popularily as Black Metal Skinheads involved in the Ross Bay Cult.
Currently plays for death thrash metal band TYRANTS BLOOD with members of Infernal Majesty, Blasphemy, Witches Hammer and Abuse.
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Community Events

Current Projects

Tyrants Blood
2005 - present

Past Projects

1995 - 1997
lead guitar
1994 - 1995
Guitar/ Vocals
1989 - 1993
Witches Hammer
lead guitar
1984 - 1989