
The Slickjacks

Label: none
The Slickjacks are a rock n roll band most likely ta' be found in tha' sleaziest skid row bar in East Vancouver. The Slickjacks are no strangers to the Vancouver music scene with a combined 40-some-odd years of blowing your socks off!!! Corndog wasted most of the late ninties playing in a multi-platnum selling band and decided that being a "rockstar" wasn't all it was cracked up to be.[...cept fer the booze an' cash...] Lisafurr got her start with a booze filled hi-octane punk band known for their over the top live shows but eventually the band ran out of fuel. J.T.'s been a fixture in the East Van. punk scene fer...well...EVER!!! Soon after that they got the dice rollin'and decided to combine there love for rock n roll and martinis so that you had music to shake your cocktail to. Thanks and,enjoy. "We gots TOO many WATTS!!!!!Get used to it..." Cheers....
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slappin bass