
Susan Tedeschi

We’ve never forgotten when blues mama Susan Tedeschi first played Victoria in 1998. Standing on stage she was five-foot nothing, but when her mouth opened the blues roar that came out was electrifying. Tedeschi is now one of the most impressive exponents of contemporary electric blues in the world. She’s also a damn fine electric guitarist, but it’s that shiver-inducing voice – which ranges from “belt it out of the stadium” earthshakers to surprisingly tender ballads reminiscent of early Bonnie Raitt – which gets the crowds screaming for more. Her latest CD, Hope and Desire (Verve Forecast), downplays the fire a bit so that Tedeschi can emphasize her ability as an interpreter of classic soul songs. But whether she’s scorching the audience with her sexually fervent “Rock Me Right” or showing her tender side with the Stones’ “You Got the Silver,” Tedeschi is an enthralling performer. She thrilled audiences with her surprise guest appearance with guitarist and husband Derek Trucks at last year’s JazzFest.

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Current Lineup

Susan Tedeschi
Robert Walter
Hammond B3/piano
Ron Holloway
tenor saxophone