
Shawn Stephenson

Self taught, Shawn began developing his original approach to the guitar at age 12. Being raised in the Yukon, he was hardwired for beauty and began working to create music which described both physical and emotional landscapes. Now at age 33 and residing on Vancouver Island, he has emerged with those pathways well travelled. Combining intensely rythmic picking, alternate tunings, compelling melodies and percussive fretwork, Shawn has created a style he describes as 'eclectic acoustic'. His multi- instrumental talents, live looping show and dynamic stage presence have won him audience acclaim from Toronto to Vancouver Island. He has been compared to the likes of Michael Hedges and Don Ross in his rabid exploration of the guitar in a non-traditional form. With his new cd, 'Flood' recorded by and with Don Kerr (Former Rheostatics drummer, now with Ron Sexsmith) Shawn continues to push the boundries of acoustic music to the forefront of innovation.
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