
Gladyss Patches

Label: none
since circa 1994
Bio 2011 Back in 1994, Mike Hooton placed an ad in Vancouver's weekly entertainment rag the Georgia Straight. The ad read “inexperienced guitarist looking for inexperienced band”. Many phone calls later Mike finally connected with singer/guitarist Darren Robinson. After discovering they had a similar passion for music and an experience level that matched.They embarked on a journey that would somehow become the musical juggernaut that is known and loved today as Gladyss Patches. Over the next few years the band played any gig that was offered to them. They even accepted an offer to be the house band at the Columbia Hotel located in Vancouver's beautiful downtown east side.During this time the bands songs evolved from garage band noise to well crafted power pop tunes. Gladyss would enter various studios including Greenhouse and Turtle Studios issuing several now hard to find recordings. After a line up change that welcomed Brad Laviolette on Bass and longtime friend Alex Roque (Fallen Phoenix, The Thick Of It) on guitar and vocals into the fold, Gladyss was ready to move forward as 5 piece with a new heavier sound. During the fall of 99 they wrote and recorded their ... more...
Broken Up

Community Events

Last Lineup

Mike Hooton
1994 - The End
Jordan Sokoloski
1998 - The End
Alex Roque
Guitar and Vox
1998 - The End
Cam Jarvis
Low end, vox
2002 - The End

Past Members

Darren Robinson
1994 - 2001
Brad Laviolette
1998 - 2000