
Mad Satie Trio

The exhilarating and ever-eclectic jazz pianist/improviser Marilyn Lerner has put on some brilliant shows in Victoria, and her latest promises to be a treat. In combination with satin-toned guitarist David Occhipinti and Juno award-winning bassist Andrew Downing, the so-called Mad Satie Trio will offer an adventurous immersion in the music of Eric Satie, the French composer known for his eccentric and beautiful melodies. Satie’s minimalism and slow time signatures will adapt well to a chamber jazz interpretation, with these three artists uniquely suited to such an inspired project. Lerner’s work spans everything from solo piano to klezmer and composition for film and theatre; Occhipinti is a skilled and innovative six-stringer who has recorded several albums notable for their lyricism and musical intelligence; and the versatile Downing, a master of improvised music, has played with such diverse musicians as Ab Baars, Zubot & Dawson, and François Houle.

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